25 research outputs found

    Question Answering from Unstructured Text by Retrieval and Comprehension

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    Open domain Question Answering (QA) systems must interact with external knowledge sources, such as web pages, to find relevant information. Information sources like Wikipedia, however, are not well structured and difficult to utilize in comparison with Knowledge Bases (KBs). In this work we present a two-step approach to question answering from unstructured text, consisting of a retrieval step and a comprehension step. For comprehension, we present an RNN based attention model with a novel mixture mechanism for selecting answers from either retrieved articles or a fixed vocabulary. For retrieval we introduce a hand-crafted model and a neural model for ranking relevant articles. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on W IKI M OVIES dataset, reducing the error by 40%. Our experimental results further demonstrate the importance of each of the introduced components

    Quasar: Datasets for Question Answering by Search and Reading

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    We present two new large-scale datasets aimed at evaluating systems designed to comprehend a natural language query and extract its answer from a large corpus of text. The Quasar-S dataset consists of 37000 cloze-style (fill-in-the-gap) queries constructed from definitions of software entity tags on the popular website Stack Overflow. The posts and comments on the website serve as the background corpus for answering the cloze questions. The Quasar-T dataset consists of 43000 open-domain trivia questions and their answers obtained from various internet sources. ClueWeb09 serves as the background corpus for extracting these answers. We pose these datasets as a challenge for two related subtasks of factoid Question Answering: (1) searching for relevant pieces of text that include the correct answer to a query, and (2) reading the retrieved text to answer the query. We also describe a retrieval system for extracting relevant sentences and documents from the corpus given a query, and include these in the release for researchers wishing to only focus on (2). We evaluate several baselines on both datasets, ranging from simple heuristics to powerful neural models, and show that these lag behind human performance by 16.4% and 32.1% for Quasar-S and -T respectively. The datasets are available at https://github.com/bdhingra/quasar

    Combating Adversarial Misspellings with Robust Word Recognition

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    To combat adversarial spelling mistakes, we propose placing a word recognition model in front of the downstream classifier. Our word recognition models build upon the RNN semi-character architecture, introducing several new backoff strategies for handling rare and unseen words. Trained to recognize words corrupted by random adds, drops, swaps, and keyboard mistakes, our method achieves 32% relative (and 3.3% absolute) error reduction over the vanilla semi-character model. Notably, our pipeline confers robustness on the downstream classifier, outperforming both adversarial training and off-the-shelf spell checkers. Against a BERT model fine-tuned for sentiment analysis, a single adversarially-chosen character attack lowers accuracy from 90.3% to 45.8%. Our defense restores accuracy to 75%. Surprisingly, better word recognition does not always entail greater robustness. Our analysis reveals that robustness also depends upon a quantity that we denote the sensitivity.Comment: ACL 2019, long pape

    A Comparative Study of Word Embeddings for Reading Comprehension

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    The focus of past machine learning research for Reading Comprehension tasks has been primarily on the design of novel deep learning architectures. Here we show that seemingly minor choices made on (1) the use of pre-trained word embeddings, and (2) the representation of out-of-vocabulary tokens at test time, can turn out to have a larger impact than architectural choices on the final performance. We systematically explore several options for these choices, and provide recommendations to researchers working in this area

    Probing Biomedical Embeddings from Language Models

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    Contextualized word embeddings derived from pre-trained language models (LMs) show significant improvements on downstream NLP tasks. Pre-training on domain-specific corpora, such as biomedical articles, further improves their performance. In this paper, we conduct probing experiments to determine what additional information is carried intrinsically by the in-domain trained contextualized embeddings. For this we use the pre-trained LMs as fixed feature extractors and restrict the downstream task models to not have additional sequence modeling layers. We compare BERT, ELMo, BioBERT and BioELMo, a biomedical version of ELMo trained on 10M PubMed abstracts. Surprisingly, while fine-tuned BioBERT is better than BioELMo in biomedical NER and NLI tasks, as a fixed feature extractor BioELMo outperforms BioBERT in our probing tasks. We use visualization and nearest neighbor analysis to show that better encoding of entity-type and relational information leads to this superiority.Comment: NAACL-HLT 2019 Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP (RepEval

    Linguistic Knowledge as Memory for Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Training recurrent neural networks to model long term dependencies is difficult. Hence, we propose to use external linguistic knowledge as an explicit signal to inform the model which memories it should utilize. Specifically, external knowledge is used to augment a sequence with typed edges between arbitrarily distant elements, and the resulting graph is decomposed into directed acyclic subgraphs. We introduce a model that encodes such graphs as explicit memory in recurrent neural networks, and use it to model coreference relations in text. We apply our model to several text comprehension tasks and achieve new state-of-the-art results on all considered benchmarks, including CNN, bAbi, and LAMBADA. On the bAbi QA tasks, our model solves 15 out of the 20 tasks with only 1000 training examples per task. Analysis of the learned representations further demonstrates the ability of our model to encode fine-grained entity information across a document

    Simple and Effective Semi-Supervised Question Answering

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    Recent success of deep learning models for the task of extractive Question Answering (QA) is hinged on the availability of large annotated corpora. However, large domain specific annotated corpora are limited and expensive to construct. In this work, we envision a system where the end user specifies a set of base documents and only a few labelled examples. Our system exploits the document structure to create cloze-style questions from these base documents; pre-trains a powerful neural network on the cloze style questions; and further fine-tunes the model on the labeled examples. We evaluate our proposed system across three diverse datasets from different domains, and find it to be highly effective with very little labeled data. We attain more than 50% F1 score on SQuAD and TriviaQA with less than a thousand labelled examples. We are also releasing a set of 3.2M cloze-style questions for practitioners to use while building QA systems.Comment: Short paper, NAACL 201

    Text Generation with Exemplar-based Adaptive Decoding

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    We propose a novel conditioned text generation model. It draws inspiration from traditional template-based text generation techniques, where the source provides the content (i.e., what to say), and the template influences how to say it. Building on the successful encoder-decoder paradigm, it first encodes the content representation from the given input text; to produce the output, it retrieves exemplar text from the training data as "soft templates," which are then used to construct an exemplar-specific decoder. We evaluate the proposed model on abstractive text summarization and data-to-text generation. Empirical results show that this model achieves strong performance and outperforms comparable baselines.Comment: NAACL 201

    Gated-Attention Readers for Text Comprehension

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    In this paper we study the problem of answering cloze-style questions over documents. Our model, the Gated-Attention (GA) Reader, integrates a multi-hop architecture with a novel attention mechanism, which is based on multiplicative interactions between the query embedding and the intermediate states of a recurrent neural network document reader. This enables the reader to build query-specific representations of tokens in the document for accurate answer selection. The GA Reader obtains state-of-the-art results on three benchmarks for this task--the CNN \& Daily Mail news stories and the Who Did What dataset. The effectiveness of multiplicative interaction is demonstrated by an ablation study, and by comparing to alternative compositional operators for implementing the gated-attention. The code is available at https://github.com/bdhingra/ga-reader.Comment: Accepted at ACL 201

    Embedding Text in Hyperbolic Spaces

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    Natural language text exhibits hierarchical structure in a variety of respects. Ideally, we could incorporate our prior knowledge of this hierarchical structure into unsupervised learning algorithms that work on text data. Recent work by Nickel & Kiela (2017) proposed using hyperbolic instead of Euclidean embedding spaces to represent hierarchical data and demonstrated encouraging results when embedding graphs. In this work, we extend their method with a re-parameterization technique that allows us to learn hyperbolic embeddings of arbitrarily parameterized objects. We apply this framework to learn word and sentence embeddings in hyperbolic space in an unsupervised manner from text corpora. The resulting embeddings seem to encode certain intuitive notions of hierarchy, such as word-context frequency and phrase constituency. However, the implicit continuous hierarchy in the learned hyperbolic space makes interrogating the model's learned hierarchies more difficult than for models that learn explicit edges between items. The learned hyperbolic embeddings show improvements over Euclidean embeddings in some -- but not all -- downstream tasks, suggesting that hierarchical organization is more useful for some tasks than others.Comment: TextGraphs 201